Being Fat is NOT Attractive or Healthy & It Isn't Fat-Shaming to Point It Out!

The World Has Turned Upside Down

Don't you miss the days when everyone agreed men could never be women, police were the good guys, and those who loved their country were called patriots instead of Nazis?

In states like New York where the second amendment is disrespected, armed robbery has been reduced to a misdemeanor, which means someone could rob your home at gunpoint, and if you shot them, you'd be jailed for owning a gun while the criminal received a tap on the wrist.

People who peacefully protest against tyranny are labeled insurrectionists while those who riot and torch entire cities are lauded as heroes for social justice.  

In places like San Francisco, hard-working business owners are forced to close their doors because thieves won't be prosecuted as long as they steal less than $1,000 in merchandise.  

We are living at an unprecedented time where evil is being called good, and good is categorized as evil.

Since the script for rationality, common sense, and even basic biology has been flipped, added to the mix is the notion that obesity should be celebrated.

Fat Man's Belly
No, it's not the Incredible Hulk but the Incredible Bulk

Obesity Is Unhealthy

Overweight people often act mystified as to why their knees and joints cause them pain.  Gee, it couldn't be the metric ton you're carrying around on them could it?

Any healthcare provider, assuming he or she isn't full-blown "woke," will be honest:  obesity leads to diabetes, heart disease, stressed joints and ligaments, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, stroke, fatty liver, gallbladder diseases, and some cancers.  

It's worth noting that obesity is a key factor in COVID deaths.  As obsessesed as the Left-wing nut bags running this country are with forcing an ineffective shot that does not stop people from getting or spreading the virus, they refuse to acknowledge obesity as a co-morbidity.  Would they rather people die rather than risk being accused of fat-shaming?

Despite all the serious health risks associated with obesity, America celebrates it.  We plaster magazine covers with obese women trying to act sexy in their own oversized, dimply skin.  Retailers offering plus sizes feature women and young fat girls in their catalogs and on their wall posters to assure them their size is okay.  Heavy Hollywood stars spew nonsense like "weight is just a number."

Well, weight is just a number--a number dictating whether your are a normal size or a cow.

Do you know why most classrooms 40 years ago only had one fat kid, if any?  Because kids were active.  We didn't have cell phones, social media, or sophisticated video games.  We played outside--for hours.  Our parents gave us chores, and we were always moving.  Moms stayed home and made nutritious meals.  Plus, no one wanted to be the fat kid in the class.

NPR Attempts to Link Obesity to Racism

The radical Left cannot debate truth and facts because they would go down in flames quickly.  To push their debunked agendas, their only recourse is to ignore the obvious and call people names to bully them into silence until they are cancelled.  

One of the favorite weapons the Left uses to remove dissenting voices is calling people racist.  The term "racism" used to mean something.  It no longer does.  It's as if people in a radical think tank sit in a room each day inventing ways to make every object and person in our society racist.

Tucker Carlson recently noted National Public Radio (NPR) has found a way to make dieting racist.  Hard to believe, right?  You can read the transcript and watch the video segment here.

To prove dieting needs "decoupled" from our culture, NPR references Andee Tagle, a sociology professor in California who authored the book, Fearing the Black Body:  The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia. Phobia?  No one fears fat people; we're just repulsed.  Her "research" goes on to say a healthy weight stems from white supremacy, since Europeans were anointed as "superior to all others."  

I wonder how Tagle explains the abudance of overweight white women at Walmart.  

Anyone who thinks white racists set the standard for the ideal body shape have never shopped at Walmart.

According to data complied by KFF, an independent non-profit that researches national health issues. the ethnicity of obese people breaks down like this:

  • White 30.2%
  • Black 42.4%
  • Hispanic 35.9%
  • Asian/Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 13.2%
  • American Indian/Alaskan Native 37.1%
  • Other:  30.5%
No wonder there's so much Asian hate.  It has nothing to do with a virus originating from China, but everything to do with being a skinnier people.

Whites might not be quite as heavy as other ethnicities, but they are holding their own!

A study published in The Lancet found morbid obesity in America has increased from 1.6 to 13.3 percent while those considered underweight shrunk from 7 to 2.5 percent. 

Race has nothing to do with the uptick in obesity rates. Anyone who denies science and basic health and nutrition facts to say it's beautiful to be fat is insane. 

On NRP, Tagle continued to assert a racist "diet culture" has dictated how things are designed, like airplanes, restaurants, movie theaters--even doorways--making it difficult for obese people to fit into these spaces.

This argument absolves fat people from any personal responsibility.  They can continue eating fast food and sweets without ever exercising and blame their fat rolls on some skinny white racist.

Speaking the Truth Isn't Fat-Shaming

No matter how many fat people Hollywood casts in their movies or uses as fashion models, obesity will never be attractive, nor will it be a healthy lifestyle.

The biggest keys to living well are maintaining a healthy body weight, eating right, and exercising regularly to stay fit.  It takes self-discipline to accomplish these goals, something many in our culture lack.

Whether you have a little or a lot of weight to lose, you can take steps to improve your health.

When I was in the hospital delivering my second child, the nurse commented, "You look so tiny there in that bed."  I thought she was joking.  "Tiny" isn't something you feel like with a 9-month baby belly.  The nurse shared in hushed tones that many of the women she'd attended overflowed the beds!

People who assert weight is just a number and encourage fat people to love the skin they're in are liars and enablers. Obese people like hearing this though because it gives them an excuse to continue making bad choices, which they will suffer for physically.  

It's not fat-shaming to point out obesity is a negative thing to be avoided, and everyone can make changes to their diet and exercise routine to improve their overall health.  Stating the obvious isn't an attack on a person's character.  No one is saying body measurements should equal Barbie's, only that being fat is a problem, and those who are fat should have the determination to do something about it.   

Here's the real problem:  the truth hurts.

See this related article:  Why Are There So Many Fat People?
