Is America In a Constitutional Crisis?

Democrats Finally Admit We Have a Constitution

What is a "Constitutional Crisis," and is America in one?

According to the radical, socialist Democrats, we are in the throes of one right now.  Considering they are the extremist party in America that had previously forgotten we had a Constitution, let's hope their recognition of our government framework goes on record.  They really do know we have one.

The Socialist Democrats are all tied to the same stick.  Turn on any fake news network, and the supposed Constitutional Crisis is the talking point all of them reiterate over and over.  It's part of the Left's campaign to brainwash Americans.  Repeat the same lie enough until people believe it.

Why is the Left adamantly defending a founding document they have ignored for years?

Because they are losing.  Bigly.

Democrats Immovable on Fixing Immigration Crisis

Our nation faces an immigration crisis that is unprecedented and massive in scope.  In an attempt to curtail this influx of docile future voters, aided by George Soros and other globalists who are fixated on the demise of capitalism and the American way, Trump has clearly communicated that legislators fix our immigration system or he will seal our borders.  To accomplish this, Trump has used the available tools and taken the legal routes needed to protect Americans.  Democrats, aghast the President is smart and bold enough to "trump" their attempts to rig future elections, insist he is overstepping his bounds.

Democrats Being Paid for Nothing

For 2 1/2 years, the Democrats have not been doing ANY work in Washington to earn their paytchecks and make our lives better.  Instead, they fabricated a Trump-Russia collusion hoax to unseat a duly elected president in a well-documented coup attempt and continue to push this completely debunked narrative despite zero evidence.

Fox News host, Greg Gutfeld, compared this collusion-delusion of the Democrats to watching the same movies over again, expecting the ending to change.  Old Yeller always dies, and the Titantic always sinks.  NO matter how many times Democrats revisit the issue, Trump is still not guilty of an impeachable offense, and he still won the 2016 election fairly.

Democrats Can't Handle the Truth

Congressional Democrats filed contempt charges against Attorney General Barr for refusing to relase an unredacted Mueller report, which contains grand jury testimony that he can't, by law, release.  Doing so could potentially set perjury traps for innocent people.  This is now the insanity of the Left--threatening to charge people for following the law.

President Trump had this to say about it in a recent tweet:

The Democrats new and pathetically untrue sound bite is that we are in a "Constitutional Crisis."  They and their partner, the Fake News Media, are all told to say this as loud and as often as possible.  They are a sad JOKE!  We may have the strongest economy in our history, best employment numbers ever, low taxes and regulations, a rebuilt military and VA, many great new judges, and so much more.  But we have had a giant SCAM perpetuated upon our nation, a witch hunt, a treasonous hoax.  That is the Constitutional Crisis and hopefully guilty people will pay!
Yes, let's hope justice will be served.  Who are the guilty people?  Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Peter Sztrok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, Loretta Lynch, and maybe even Obama himself, to name a few.  General Barr will get to the bottom of it all, peeling one onion layer back at a time until he finds the truth.  The Radicals know this, so discrediting him is their only move.

Georgia Representative Doug Collins summed it up best when he made this statement:
Democrats are afraid of what the Attorney General will find when he completes his ongoing review of FISA abuse at the Justice Department, including how the Russia investigation began.  Multiple news reports have suggested those conclusions could be explosive, could end careers, and could even lead to criminal prosecution.  Rather than face that, Democrats have resolved to neutralize Bill Barr by attacking him, the office, and his career. 
Nancy Pelosi has suggested Barr is "off his rails," that he has "lied to Congress" and that impeachment is on the table for dealing with him.  That's the Democrat way--either agree with them all the time or expect a vicious, manufactured attack on your character and a violent onslaught to supplant you from your position.  It's the same tactic they employed to prevent Brett Kavanaugh from being seated on the bench of the Supreme Court.  The maneuver failed then, and it will fail now with Barr.  Good will triumph over evil.

Democrats Are the Ones Creating a Constitutional Crisis

Here's what a genuine "Constitutional Crisis" looks like.
  • Obamacare, pushed through originally by Obama and Democrats in Congress, is unconstitutional and was ruled as such by U.S. District Judge Reed O'Connor from Texas in December 2018.
  • Obama created DACA to give legal status to illegal aliens brought here as minors, even though he bypassed Congress to do this.
  • Obama weaponized the IRS to target conservative groups.
  • In 2012, Obama made recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board, which were unanimously declared illegal by the Supreme Court in 2014.
  • Radicals are shutting down our first amendment right on college campuses and making it impossible for conservative speakers to give speeches without mob violence.
  • Pro-life demonstrators are being punched in the face, like on the campus of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Pennsylvania State Representative Brian Sims proudly recorded his violent harassment of an older, Catholic praying woman while offering $100 to dox three pro-life teens.
  • Democrats using school shootings, like Colorado's STEM School Highland's Ranch, to grandstand on taking away our second amendment right to own and bear arms. 
  • The Supreme Court imposing gay marriage on the nation when they have no authority to legislate from the bench.
  • As previously mentioned, creating a phony plot to unseat a duly elected president.
  • Liberals partnering with the Fake News Media and Big Tech to bury the truth and conservative speech to spread their propaganda messages.
  • Democrats wanting to eliminate the Electoral College from the Constitution to set up a tyrannical rule of the U.S.
  • Targeting business like Chick-fil-a for their conservative views on marriage, like when the Texas LGBTQ Caucus defeated legislation to guarantee Christian business owners can continue to be discriminated against in their state.

Democrats Taking Country in the Wrong Direction

From Obama's legacy of executive overreach to the acts of violence unleashed by the fascist Left on conservatives, the socialist, radical Democrats clearly do not share the same core values we do with a vision to make and keep America great.  They are hypocrites to accuse Trump of "shredding the Constitution" when they are the ones who have suggested it's a living document that should change over time--i.e., be shredded.  

Feigning moral outrage and pretending to be champions of our Constitution only when it suits their vile purposes is just a stunt from the Left's bag of tricks.  They are hell-bent on being socialist dictators who destroy American life as we know it.  Don't let them.
