At a rally at Fresno City College, California, Bernie Sanders made this outrageous assertion:
Donald Trump is the most dangerous president in American history.
Yes, Bernie, Trump is socialism and the Democratic party, which has abandoned America and her people.
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Image: Ethan Miller/Getty Images |
Why Is Bernie Always Angry?
Bernie should be happy. For the first time in history, a socialist won't be a fringe add-on to the voting ballot. If Bernie becomes the Democratic nominee, voters will head to the polls, and they will recognize Bernie Sanders's name instead of wondering "Who is this person?"
Socialists have always been written off as loons, crack-pots, and laughing stocks to the voting populace. Until recently, most people couldn't even define socialism because the concept is so far removed from our culture.
Do you now who can define socialism? Capitalists.
Alarmingly, socialism, which is really a more palatable term for communism, appears to be gaining steam in America. A recent Gallup poll suggest 43% of Americans view socialism as a good thing for our country while a thin majority, 51% thinks it would be bad.
This might sound like gloom and doom for America until you analyze further results of the survey. Turns out, the same people who are okay with socialism don't like government and believe the free market is best for America. Clearly, people do not have a grasp on the socialist ideology, and that poses a danger to our constitutional republic.
If socialism is a good thing, don't you think Bernie would look happier instead of like one of the grumpy old Muppets?
Which one is Bernie Sanders, and which one is the Muppet?
The chance of socialism replacing capitalism in America has had about the same chance as a gay man becoming president in a Muslim nation, or maybe a CNN anchor reporting unbiased news instead of hoaxes and conspiracy theories.
Bernie's devoted base probably can't define socialism either because if they understood what it meant, they surely couldn't support him.
Trump Is Only Dangerous to the Swamp
Politicians are known for making promises they never intend to keep. Elected officials spend a lifetime in public service, with little to show for it.
While we vote them into office to work for us, they forget their mission once they become drunk with power, prestige, and lucrative perks, somehow amassing fortunes well beyond their annual salaries.
Trump, on the other hand, keeps ticking off the to-do list of promises to the American people. He has accomplished more in just over three years than any other politician has after decades of service.
How is Trump the "most dangerous president in history?"
- He is exposing corruption in government that goes clear to the top.
- He is exposing the corruption of the mainstream news media and how they operate as a propagandist machine for the Left.
- He is exposing the self-serving elitists in government.
- He is getting things done all other politicians pretend are impossible because they aren't doing their jobs.
- He is putting America in the hands of the citizens instead of the government and derailing socialism.
How Are Trump's Accomplishments "Dangerous?"
Did you know a recent Gallup survey found that 90% of Americans are satisfied with their personal lives, which is the highest it's been in 40 years?Trump's "America First" agenda is working for all Americans, irrespective of race, economic background, sexual orientation, level of education, or creed. As a result, people are happier!
In 2010, Obama stated the high unemployment rate and the anemic 2% economic growth in the US would likely become the "new normal."
Obama considered himself a social justice warrior and dealt crippling blows to our economy with Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, and increased taxes on the wealthy. These initiatives, combined with job-killing regulations that punished businesses, created a financial crisis for many, with 10.7 million people getting on food stamps by the end of his term.
Trump's "dangerous" accomplishments are vast, but here's a sprinkling of them:
- Unemployment is the lowest in US history.
- 7 million people are off food stamps, and 10 million are off welfare--not because Trump "kicked them off," but because they no longer need entitlements. They are WORKING!
- Low-income workers have seen a 16% pay increase.
- Real-median household income is the highest recorded.
- $12 trillion has been added to America's wealth through the markets.
- "Opportunity Zones" are being created in our most neglected communities.
- 12,000 new factories have started up in the USA, with thousands more in the works.
- Trump renegotiates trade deals so there is "fairness" and "reciprocity" between nations. These trade deals create jobs and boost our economy.
- Healthcare is 60% less expensive.
- He appointed 187 new federal judges to uphold the Constitution, as it is written.
- He vows to protect our right to bear arms, medicare, and social security.
- Illegal crossings have diminished by 75%, which has helped lower the amount of drugs coming into the country.
- He's the first to get Kim Jong-un to the negotiating table and the first president to step foot into North Korea.
- He's the first president to stand up to China for fairer trade and cessation to the theft of our intellectual property.
- He's supports Israel and is the only president to make good on the promise to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
- Trump has completely decimated the caliphate of ISIS. He also took out terrorist leaders, al-Baghdadi and Soleimani.
- He is restoring law and order by supporting our military, I.C.E. agents, and police officers that Obama scorned.
To make climate change whackos happy, Trump even announced his "One Trillion Trees Initiative" to help offset carbon emissions and assist with reforestation. A trillion is a lot, but still probably not enough to put a smile on angry and indoctrinated Greta Thunberg's face.
The Democrats Are the Most Dangerous Threat to America
We all know Democrats are projectionists--always accusing others of what they are doing themselves to deflect attention from their plot hatching and misdeeds.
While Trump is busy making Americans lives better, despite constant attack, the Democrats have accomplished less than zero. All of their energies are directed toward staging a government coup, and trying to dupe Americans into accepting socialism.
- Democrats support the communist Green New Deal, which eliminates all fossil fuels. Is it because they care about the environment? No. The environment is the Trojan Horse disguising their communist takeover of America.
- Democrats want to impose a socialist takeover of healthcare, which will kick 180 million Americans off private health insurance plans. Democrats also support free healthcare for illegal aliens to lure them here, and it will bankrupt our nation.
- Democrats support open borders and sanctuary cities, even though latest statistics show illegal criminals are responsible for 10,000 burglaries, 5,000 sexual assaults, 45,000 violent assaults, and 2,000 murders.
In fact, Democrats propose The New Way Forward Act, which eliminates deportation of criminal aliens, ties the hands of ICE, decriminalizes illegal entry, and GET THIS--forces taxpayers to fund re-entry into the US for illegals!! That is MESSED UP!
Contrast this to Trump's stance--he states the USA should be a sanctuary for law-abiding citizens, not criminal aliens. Who's putting America first?
- While Democrats pretend to be vanguards of the U.S. Constitution, they oppose our 2nd amendment right to bear arms, stifle religious liberty, pledge to abolish the electoral college, and want to stack the courts with left-leaning judges who will inject their own politics into their decisions instead of basing them on the Constitution.
- Democrats opposed killing the terrorist leaders who were responsible for scores of American deaths.
- The Democrats have undermined our election process by waging a soft coup against a duly seated president by manufacturing the Russia-collusion and Ukranian hoaxes.
- Democrats are responsible for weaponizing government agencies, like the FBI and IRS, to target their opposition.
- Democratic influence is poisoning the curriculums in public schools and colleges to indoctrinate the next future leaders in socialism.
- Democrats go on anti-Semitic rants against our biggest ally in the Middle East.
- Democrats have corrupted the mainstream news media, which is now a communist propaganda machine.
- Democrats support job-killing regulations that stifle our economy.
- Democrats support legalizing cocaine, heroin, and other substances and creating injection sites because that's their solution to get people off drugs.
Democrats are stumbling all over each other trying to prove who is the furthest left and the most socialist.
Take a look at Democratic-run cities, like New York, Chicago, and San Francisco, and you will find cities where crime is rampant, streets are filthy, homelessness is epidemic, and taxes and regulations strangle upward mobility.
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Photo: FREDERIC J. BROWN, AFP/Getty Images |
Democrats Make People Victims
Democrats don't want voters thinking for themselves. We might just see through all their schemes and fight back!
The only way Democrats can gain power is when they convince everyone to see themselves as victims.
- Free college is your right! How dare anyone suggest you pay for it?
- You should have the same healthcare as everyone else, even though you refuse to work.
- It's not that you're lazy and haven't worked hard enough to succeed--somehow, it's a white person's fault! Those racists!
- Even though 72% of all new jobs have been filled by women under Trump, we insist women are suffering inequality! We'll call you a misogynist if you disagree.
- You're not mentally ill for thinking you can defy basic biology and call yourself a magical, new pronoun, it's the schools fault for not teaching acceptance of your insanity! Only homophobic people would question your gender selection. Any church that disagrees must suffer too.
- You should be able to have intercourse without consequences, so infanticide is the only solution! We'll just call it your reproductive right!
- It's not fair that millionaires work hard their whole lives to build a fortune while you haven't showed any ingenuity, so we'll take their money and give it to everyone so we can all live like paupers together.
- Even though illegal immigrants knowingly break our laws and drain the entitlement funds they don't deserve, they should be able to live in America for free if they want. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a xenophobe.
Conservative political activist, Candace Owens, noted at the Trump's State of the Union Address how not one Democrat clapped when it was announced that African-American unemployment is at the lowest ever recorded in our nation's history. Owens surmises, "They want their slaves back."
She's right. In fact, the Democrats want to enslave all of America while a select elite retain all power.
Do you see yourself as a victim or living victoriously?
A Vote for a Democrat Is a Vote for Socialist Takeover
Bernie Sanders is known for praising communist dictators like Fidel Castro and Nicolas Maduro. He sees nothing wrong with bread lines or forced public transportation systems, and he turns a blind eye to those who are starving to death and murdered under communist regimes.
Bernie Sanders, like all of his Democratic Socialist/Communist counterparts, has a different vision for America than our founders and any true patriot.
Bernie Sanders can't even estimate how much his "free" plans for everything will cost. While some financial analysts estimate his policies to cost $60 trillion or more, Sanders says, "Nobody knows. It's impossible to predict."
Imagine you have your heart set on a beautiful, $5 million mansion on your $50,000 a year salary. You ask the realtor how much the mansion is listed for, and he says, "Nobody knows," so you try to buy it. What would happen?
When it comes to Socialist candidates, just think of a mouse excited to find free cheese in a trap. Once it crawls onto the wooden platform, it doesn't even get to enjoy a bite before the spring releases and the metal clamp kills it.
You know the old adage, something that looks too good to be true, probably is.
Sanders recently claimed we are already a socialist country under Trump. How absurd. Trump already declared America would never be a socialist country because "socialism destroys a nation," a quote that was in the State of the Union Address that Nancy Pelosi ripped in two--just like she and her party are trying to do to our nation.
Be sure to vote so they never get the chance.
#KAG #Trump2020
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