Why School Diversity, Equality, & Inclusion Programs Are Racist & How to Oppose Them

"Social Justice Warriors" Are Communists

Self-proclaimed "social justice warriors" see a mirage of inequity behind every doorknob.  This "woke" group spends their days finding new ways to be offended.  They are responsible for renaming everything in our society to be more "culturally sensitive."  

"Mothers" must now be called "birthing people," and "brown bag lunches" are better referred to as "lunch-and-learn" or "sack lunches."  Felons being released from prison shouldn't be referred to as convicts or criminals, but as "justice involved people" or "returning residents." In the name of inclusivity, they string together letters to invent Seussical pronouns to describe a growing number of mentally ill people who think they can invent limitless genders.

Our national treasure of statues and monuments are being torn down, and our military bases, schools, and sports teams are being renamed in pathetic, anemic acquiescence to the demands of a mob minority.

Do we want the next generation to be a bunch of wimps who cry at the slightest upset?  It's why these loons are deemed "snowflakes."  Our tough and brave military heroes in eras past would shake their heads in disbelief.

The truth is, the term "social justice" has nothing to do with treating people fairly across the board.  It's a smokescreen for communism.  According to their Marxist playbook, they must create an "oppressor" and an "oppressed" to destroy unity and polarize people so they can be controlled.   

Democrats, socialists, and communists in America, under the guise of social justice, have fixated on instituting diversity, equality, and inclusion programs in our schools to suppress speech and freedom within the student body while inciting division, destroying unity, and forcing compliance.  

School administrators and leaders are politically pressured by compromised teachers' unions and the Leftists mobs to include programs that are antithetical to our American educational institutions.  Sadly, too many school officials bow to the mob for fear of being labeled racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, and discriminatory.  

If you've ever spent time in your kids' schools, you've likely discovered what many of us parents have witnessed first-hand:  teachers love their students and want them to succeed.  Teachers, aides, intervention specialists, guidance counselors, and principals form a team to safeguard and accommodate the needs of every individual student, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sex, or socio-economic background.  This team of educational professionals share the same superpower--they are blind to differences and view and treat all students fairly.  

If there's one thing our schools don't need, it's diversity, equality, and inclusion programs.  Here's why.  

Diversity, Equality, & Inclusion Programs Are Divisive In Schools

While the intention of some schools might be honorable when it comes to implementing district-wide programs that focus on diversity, equality, and inclusion, these programs are inherently racist and bigoted, and they promote division over unity.

America has been dubbed a "melting pot."  While we've long been an ethnically diverse nation, we have remained united--e pluribus unum--out of many, one.  How is that possible?  It's been possible because no matter what one's race, we share the same foundational values--the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  We all cling to the guarantees of our Constitution and share a common history and national identity.

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (D.E.I.) programs vary from school to school, but here's a look at the basic tenets many of them include:

Tenet #1:  Develop An Awareness of One's Own Cultural Lens, Diverse Perspectives, and Inequities in Education and Society

It's no secret that colleges now offer courses to promote a "white privilege" narrative to shame those who are born white, dub them as racist, and provoke people of color to feel oppressed so they will respond negatively.  Black Lives Matter and Antifa are two such anarchist, domestic terrorist groups birthed from manufactured social injustices.  D.E.I. programs are vehicles of indoctrination formulated by rage-filled hate-mongers.  To develop an awareness of one's own cultural lens essentially means to label yourself racist even though you're not.

Developing an awareness of diverse perspectives isn't anything new.  We all have different ideas because we are free-thinking individuals in a free society.  People have had diverse perspectives since the beginning of time, so tying it to ethnicity ultimately provokes unnecessary division--an us versus them scenario.  

The idea that there are inequities in education and society is a point hammered by radical, leftist communists.  The Marxist ideology manufactures "social injustices" to remake America.  Marxism demands picking a target, freezing it, personalizing it, and then polarizing it.  We are all equal because we are in charge of our own destinies.  We all have free will, we make our own choices, and we are responsible for our actions and their consequences.  In identity politics, radicals, labeling themselves social justice warriors, don't recognize the freedom of the individual.  When varying groups of people experience different outcomes in life, it's pinned on the "hate of the oppressor", not choices, personal freedom, or individual decisions.  

The term people of color is a racist term coined by radicals to incite race wars in America, particularly anti-white racism.  Saying there are inequities in society is a lie.  Through our Civil Rights Acts, non-whites have more rights, opportunities, entitlements, and privileges in America than any other country--even countries governed by non-whites!

President Trump has fought for school choice so zip code doesn't have to define a student's future, and he's pushed for charter schools and vouchers for private schools.  However, some of the "inequities" some students face is a result of broken homes and the breakdown of the family unit--that is something schools can't fix, no matter how many diversity programs they create or how much money they throw at education.

Tenet #2:  Increase Community Engagement And Parental Involvement

While it's wonderful for teachers to reach out to multicultural families to make them feel part of their child's learning by welcoming and including them, this goal of a diversity program usually results in forcing traditional students to participate in anti-bias education, which includes practices not valued or approved by the majority.

For example, in some anti-bias education programs, under the guise of diversity to promote community engagement, students may be asked to celebrate LGBTQ events, make kids watch films or listen to radical guest speakers not approved by parents, or participate in a multicultural activity that is antithetical to a student's belief system.

When someone chooses to live in America, their desire to preserve and celebrate their heritage is understandable, BUT citizenship in America implies a willingness to conform to American culture and values--Americans shouldn't be forced into diversity programs where they have to bow and conform to all the represented ethnicities.  It's backwards.

Tenet #3:  Recruit And Retain Staff From Underrepresented Racial And Ethnic Populations

This is essentially affirmative action, which is a completely racist concept.  People aren't hired based on educaiton, qualifications, or experience--they are hired because of the color of their skin.  Not only does this maginalize them, but it means jobs in schools are fulfilled by potentially incompetent people because their qualifications are irrelevant.  They are hired because of their ethnicity, not whether or not they can perform the job well.  As a result, our students suffer.  Schools should only hire highly qualified and skilled individuals--skin color should be irrelevant.

Tenet #4:  Remove Barriers That Impede The Engagement Of All Students In Curricular And Extracurricular Activities

What if one of the barriers impeding a student's curricular activities is a parent?  Are schools going to rip kids from their homes?  Schools already bend over backwards to accommodate all students academically.

What does it mean to remove barriers to extracurricular activities?  Are schools going to bus kids to and from sports and other activities if transportation is an issue?  Are schools going to pay all the expenses for less fortunate students?  If so, this misallocation and abuse of our taxpayer dollars is coerced charity, also known as redistribution of wealth--a socialist goal.

Some extracurricular activities are very expensive, so many families limit the number their kids are allowed to join.  Wise families follow a budget and live within their means, and it's a vital life lesson kids should learn.

Removing barriers essentially means all kids get a trophy, and it trains them to become entitled and dependent, not having to invest any personal responsibility in the process.  Less fortunate students should be shut out from extracurricular activities, but there should be limits to removing barriers to avoid socialist extremes.

Better Alternatives Exist That Don't Force "Tolerance"

Schools that claim to empower our community of learners with knowledge, skills, and empathy to effectively engage in a diverse world, in the name of diversity, equity, and inclusion, is a guise to pit one group of people against another to create division and anti-Americanism.  These programs erode and corrupt our core values, causing our culture to devolve and rot from within, pushing us towards moral depravity and collapse.

An effective alternative to D.E.I. initiatives is the Second Step Program.  The Second Step Program focuses on bullying prevention and social-emotional learning.  Schools that utilize this program often adopt the mantra of being respectful, responsible, and safe.  If you cut through all the psychological mumbo jumbo included in the framework, it boils down to teaching kids to follow the Golden Rule--treat others the way you want to be treated.  

The Second Step Program incorporates positive reinforcement practices that reward students for demonstrating good behaviors without turning them into sheep.  The program eliminates bullying and creates a culture of kindness within elementary schools, and these virtues follow students into their middle school and high school years. 

The Second Step Program helps shape good character without pushing tolerance.  Tolerance isn't synonymous with fairness and equality.  Tolerance forces the majority to accept and approve wrong ideals and behaviors that violate their own belief systems.

For example, tolerance might mandate a Christian student to call a transgender student by a preferred pronoun or receive punishment, even thought it violates their own belief that God created men and women and no other gender.  However, the Second Step Program, paralleling the Golden Rule, would dictate that both the transgender student and the Christian student show each other kindness, even though they vehemently disagree with each other's position on the issue. 

Tolerance demands acceptance, but the Golden Rule encourages kindness despite differences.

Encourage Your School to Teach Patriotic Education

Our U.S. Constitution is the great equalizer.  It guarantees and protects the rights of all people, and our capitalistic society gives everyone the chance to rise, if they are willing to work hard enough to achieve their goals.  There's no need for a diversity plan in our schools--the Constitution is the ultimate diversity plan because it recognizes and treats everyone equally.

Anyone who doesn't agree has been brainwashed by the Left to think they are oppressed, and they are enslaved by the entitlements the Left has given them to make them dependent on government instead of their own grit.

The 1619 curriculum was developed in 2019 as a revisionist history program meant to teach students that our founding fathers were evil oppressors instead of entrepreneurs and visionaries who built the greatest nation on Earth.  This radical curriculum is rooted in anti-Americanism, and it rejects our nation's exceptionalism while stifling patriotic sentiment from developing in the hearts of our youth.  Though it has been debunked by historians, liberal schools across the nation have adopted it anyway.

Why would schools choose to teach revisionist history that has been proven false?  Because a national heritage unites it.  It's why the Left is tearing down our monuments and renaming our forts and schools--to divide us.  Not only that, but history repeats itself.  When the Left can erase our history, they can control the next generation more easily.  If our youth hears stories of brave revolutionaries who fought against tyranny and oppression to be a free people, they might be inspired to rise up against government tyranny in our time.  As Leftists promote socialism within our culture, our students won't be taught that socialism has caused great poverty, destruction, and collapse in every nation in which it has been tried.  

For the radical Left, patriotism has become synonymous with white nationalism and white supremacy, a complete lie meant to destroy our national identity in their pursuit of globalism.  

In response, President Trump sparked the development of the 1776 curriculum, which launched in September of 2020. The 1776 curriculum showcases American exceptionalism, teaches patriotism, encourages students to reject victimhood, presents inspiring stories from American history to show how our national character and freedom make it possible for everyone to overcome difficult circumstances, and expounds on how all of us can prosper when we embrace our founding ideals.  It's a unifying curriculum because it puts students on the same "team" by focusing on what we have in common instead of how we're different

Time For Patriots to ACT!

Now is not the time to sit back and act helpless in stopping the radical indoctrination occurring in schools across America.  

No matter how much the communist Fake News Media suppresses the truth and makes us look like patriots are a minority in this country, the truth is we are the MAJORITY, and we need to start acting like it by making our voices heard.  Collectively, we CAN make a difference.

You might not be aware whether or not a diversity, equality, and inclusion program exists in your local school districts, but you can still let your administrators know where you stand.

A quick Google search for your school board members and school officials should quickly provide you access to the their e-mail addresses.  


  • Superintendents
  • School Board Members
  • Curriculum Directors
  • Principals
  • Guidance Counselors
Let them know you don't want your school implementing Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion programs that are racist, bigoted, divisive, and rooted in Marxism.  Instead, encourage them to incorporate patriotic education, like the 1776 curriculum, and programs like Second Step that teach the Golden Rule, into their school framework.  Remind them that the U.S. Constitution is the best safeguard already in place that ensures students are treated equally.

Even if writing letters isn't your strong suit, simply copy and paste a link to this post within the body of your e-mail, along with a note saying this is how you feel, and you want to make them aware of what you expect from your school district.

More importantly, YOU teach your kids about government, history, and American politics.  Don't assume they are too young to understand.  If you regularly talk politics around the dinner table, your kids will develop a basic grasp of it, they will ask questions, and they will believe what you tell them before they accept opposing indoctrination from school teachers.  Don't underestimate your influence.  You play an important role in educating your kids on the right side of history.  Instill in them a love of faith, family, and country and encourage them to be brave patriots and revolutionaries who will continue to fight for the rights guaranteed in our Constitution so we can remain a free nation.  Set an example.  Show them what it looks like to defend liberty.  Don't be silent on important issues, and they will learn to speak up, too.  Let them see you writing your Congressmen, the town council, and school boards to air your grievances and demand Constitutional resolutions to conflicts. Teach them to honor our military, salute our flag, and respect our police and the rule of law.  Above all, share with them Psalm 33:12--blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord--and 2 Chronicles 7:14 that says the only way God can heal our land is if we repent of our sins, turn from our wicked ways, and humbly seek him.  We need God in America again!

We don't need D.E.I. programs in schools to ensure all students are treated fairly.  All D.E.I. programs are trumped by the Constitution, along with the Declaration of Independence that recognizes all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  These two documents are the best diversity programs ever written!

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