A Battle For the Soul of America
Remember when socialist candidates on the presidential ticket were scoffed at and considered a joke?
Most of us never thought we'd see the day when globalists and socialists would hijack our American way of life. The radical, left-wing agenda that now has America by the jugular not only threatens our core values, it threatens our very existence.
President Trump spent four years exposing the corruption of the Deep State in the Washington Swamp, revealing the problem is far more invasive, widespread, and metastatic than we thought. There has been an intense shaking and sifting in government, exposing that only a remnant of politicians truly grasp what it means to represent the best interests of their constituents.
Career politicians are self-serving. The GOP has proven itself too weak and spineless to unify against the enemies of American liberty. The Democrats have all moved as far left as they can go, have embraced globalist ideals, and are in the process of imposing communism in our country. We are being stripped of our basic rights enshrined in the Constitution, silenced by cancel culture, vilified by the propagandist media, and censored by Big Tech. While left-wingers denounce fascism, they embrace the Black Lives Matter movement and Antifa, two of the most fascist groups in America.

Thankfully, half of America took a stand for freedom on November 3, 2020, even though their votes were invalidated by an election process riddled with fraud. These disenfranchised voters are not handing America over to communists on a silver platter, but are demanding the GOP be rebranded as the Patriot Party--a group dedicated to following and preserving the Constitution. This will require incompetent, ineffective leadership to be primaried and replaced by people of courage who have not forgotten all the men and women who have died to protect our national treasure.
A battle for the soul of America is raging. While it might look like the enemies of our country are gaining ground and shredding our republic, patriots refuse to give up, surrender, or lapse into inaction. Their eyes are opened, and they are fighting against tyranny as our forefathers would want them to.
While our systems of checks and balances seem to have failed us, we continue to advance. As we do, let's not forget that national repentance and a return to God is the path we must direct our fellow citizens to follow in order for our great nation's Providential history to continue.
Despite the assault on our republic over the last four years by fascists groups, Big Tech, communist media, and corrupt politicians, some school district superintendents have chosen to grandstand on only one issue--the insurrection at the nation's Capitol on January 6, 2021. Peaceful patriots protesting election fraud were infiltrated by BLM and Antifa activists to stain Trump supporters and our great president's legacy while manufacturing a new false narrative that Trump incited a riot to try to have him removed from office prematurely.
Although Trump has never attacked Democratic voters, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have. Biden has called Trump supporters "violent" and "domestic terrorists" despite Harris loudly and unashamedly voicing her support for the riots across the nation by BLM and Antifa as she urged people to donate bail money for their release. Where were superintendents then?
One Superintendent's Selective Outrage
Scott Inskeep is the superintendent for Kettering City Schools in Ohio. Here is the letter he disseminated to parents in the aftermath of the electoral vote certification by Congress:
"As I am sure you did too, I watched in shock and dismay as violence and disrespect for everything we stand for as Americans overtook our nation's capital yesterday. I feel it is my responsibility as superintendent of the Kettering Schools to join our state leaders in condemning this violent act on the members of our U.S. Congress who were fulfilling their constitutional obligation to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election, and upon our Capitol Building, the most recognized symbol of democratic government in the world.
As I watched the events unfold yesterday, my thoughts turned toward our students and staff, to how they might be feeling and to how they will process something that we have never before witnessed in our country. I realize there may be confusion among our children who have been reciting by heart 'I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America' since before they could read or write. I know that many of our teachers struggled after yesterday's events with how they would address this with their students today.
In a quote published in an article today in Education Week, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos underscored one of the most important responsibilities of public education--to teach our young people the democratic values that make Americans who we are: 'The eyes of America's children and students--the rising generation who will in inherit the republic we leave them--are watching what is unfolding in Washington today,' she said. 'We must set a better example for them, and we must teach them the solemn obligations and duties that come with the title 'American.'"
I have no doubt that our amazing teaches--as always--rose to the occasion, didn't try to hide from or ignore this unprecedented event and gave their students the support they needed today. We will also continue to teach and model our core values--We ARE Firebirds and we are Safe, Responsible and Respectful. The Kettering Schools remain committed to teaching our young people the skills they need to be successful in academics, and--in partnership with our families--we remain committed to teaching them the life skills they need to be good citizens in our community, our state and our nation.
Although we are learning remotely this week and will have a limited number of students in our buildings for the following two weeks, we understand the importance of continually addressing the needs of the Whole Person. Our school counselors and nurses are here to support our students, staff, and each other.
The letter continued with tips on helping kids "process" what happened.
If the school superintendent in your district has chosen to grandstand on only one issue after the onslaughts to our democracy in recent years, then it's time patriots like you call him or her out on it. We can't stand by and tolerate virtue signaling by school administrators who act more like politicians than educators.
One Family's Response
Schools across America are rapidly transforming into left-wing indoctrination centers. Conservative speech is condemned while anti-American sentiment is encouraged.
Are we going to sit by and allow our kids to be brainwashed by radicals? School boards and superintendents need to hear the collective voice of parents who aren't going to tolerate it.
Here's one family's response to Superintendent Inskeep's letter--let it ignite a fuse within you to fight for the schools in your own community:
"While our family supports the right to peacefully protest as
allowed under the First Amendment and do not condone violence, we are more than
a little shocked by your hypocrisy
in addressing the school district about what transpired in our nation’s capitol
while conveniently ignoring other assaults on our democracy.
For MONTHS, thugs in domestic terrorists groups like ANTIFA
and Black Lives Matter have spurred ongoing riots, burned down businesses,
attacked anyone who didn’t agree with them, set cars on fire, run police out of
their precincts, violently created “autonomous zones,” called for the defunding
of our police, chanted “pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon,” threatened to
come for people in the suburbs, showed up at the houses of conservative
newscasters and Congressman to threaten them and their families, etc. With cities burning in the background, the
Fake News Media referred to this ongoing violence as “mostly peaceful
protests,” and these acts were never condemned by you or any Democrats. Similar violence broke out in big cities much
closer to home that was very concerning, but you were never compelled to
address parents about your “shock” and “dismay.”
Furthermore, facial recognition software has identified
several of the violent protestors in Washington as ANTIFA and BLM members
masquerading as Trump supporters.
Neither ANTIFA nor BLM were present in their usual counter-protest mode because
they infiltrated the MAGA groups to intentionally create a false narrative
about Trump and his supporters.
When you state your shock and dismay at the “disrespect for
everything we stand for as Americans” and quote Betsy DeVos about the role of
public education “to teach our young people the democratic values that make
Americans who we are,” then you should realize how important it is to include
the 1776 curriculum into Kettering’s history program to create unity through
patriotic education. You should also
acknowledge that our values include the need for free and fair elections to
keep government in the hands of we the people.
What is more shocking than what occurred at the capital is
what occurred on election day with fraud.
Thousands of dead people voted, ballots were backdated, ballots crossed
state lines, video footage captured multiple scans of the same stacks of
ballots, thousands of ballots were dumped in the dead of night after everyone
was told to go home, forensic studies of voting machines in Michigan found 70%
error rates, mail-in ballots were traced to vacant buildings…..the list goes
on. More importantly, in several swing
states, governors and secretaries of state changed voting rules weeks before the
election and BYPASSED state legislatures,
which is a direct constitutional violation.
We are now operating as a banana republic where the will of the
people has been circumvented by radicals who have learned how to cheat to
win. You don’t seem concerned how
teachers are going to explain that because I’m sure it will simply be ignored.

Our country has been hijacked by corrupt communists who are
pro-China rather than pro-America, already agreeing to drop the “America First”
movement. Their agenda includes opening our
borders and flooding our country with illegal immigrants, MS-13 members, drug
dealers, and human traffickers, making our communities unsafe. They plan to destroy our 2nd
amendment, pack the courts, censor our speech, redistribute our wealth, and
bankrupt our nation with a Green New Deal.
Big Tech has already been targeting and censoring conservative speech on
social media, and that is the epitome of fascism. Are you worried how
teachers are going to talk to their kids about that? Do you feel any “shock and dismay” about the
assault on free speech and religious liberty and have some social-emotional
link everyone should visit to deal with the fall of American democracy into the
hands of communist globalists? Are you
worried how teachers will explain that socialism fails in every country in
which it’s implemented, and that it’s always followed by communism, which leads
to enslavement, poverty, and death?

When New York City passed the bill that allowed abortion of
a fully formed baby near birth and “leaders” rejoiced and applauded, we didn’t
see you sending out letters about how horrific it is to murder unborn
children. You weren’t worried how the
science department was going to explain to students how a living, human being
could be terminated in the name of reproductive rights.
Our kids don’t need your emotional support over what
occurred at the capitol. We have taught
them to be patriots. When patriots
witness a hostile communist coup, they respond to tyranny like revolutionaries
and fight for freedom.
If you spoke out against all assaults on our democracy, we
could respect that. As it is, your
outrage is very selective."
Take Back Our Schools!
With an illegitimate Biden presidency and a Congress dominated by Left-wing radicals, you can bet we are going to see an evil trickle-down effect in schools like never before.
Homeschooling just isn't a possible avenue for some families.
Ignoring the problems or sitting at home wringing our hands in despair are not options. We need to create grassroots engagement in our schools to positively impact our communities. It's a fight to keep our kids on the right side of history.
What can you do?
When there's an opening on your school board, run for it. Don't be pressured into voting for levies unless your school district supports our American values and rejects radicalism. Contact your state legislators on educational matters that require their support. Confront individual teachers who cross the line by presenting lessons or doling out assignments that are antithetical to our founding principles. Encourage curriculum directors to include patriotic education, like the 1776 curriculum, in their history programs. Regularly respond to communications from your superintendents so they can assess and feel the weight of public opinion. Superintendents need to see parents are watching and involved.
President Trump snatched government from the hands of power-hungry, self-serving politicians and put it back in the hands of we the people where it belongs. It's time parents and concerned citizens unite and see to it that our young people are taught to love our country, respect our flag, and become the next generation of patriots who will fight tyranny to keep our great nation free.
For a superintendent to offer emotional support links and counseling to kids who witnessed the events that transpired in our Capitol is pathetic. Patriotism requires grit and determination, not social and emotional counseling to create another crop of snowflakes. Do you want to raise a strong patriot or a wimpy and compliant government slave?
Stand up and be heard in your community--don't wait for someone else to do it.
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