Deposing Trump
Even before President Trump assumed office, radical Democrats and the Deep State had an "insurance policy" to unseat him.Why were they so anxious to get rid of a president before he was even sworn into office? It's pathological. Imagine plotting with fellow co-workers to get your new boss fired before he ever steps foot into your office building. It's like planning to return a Christmas gift from your grandma before you even open it, which would only make sense if your grandma bought you a rotating belt rack and fuzzy dice the previous year.
Were the Democrats that infatuated with a Hillary Clinton presidency that they couldn't accept any other outcome?
Not really. Even though everyone on the Left pretends not to notice how despicable and corrupt she is, or how much weight she's gained, a Clinton presidency would have guaranteed the status quo would continue. The swamp creatures would continue to game the system for personal gain, expanding their sphere of influence and power, with no one to stop them.
Trump's checklist of promises to the American people included draining the swamp and restoring governing authority to the rightful people--us. Leftists do not support a government "of the people, by the people, for the people" because they are driven by an unquenchable desire for power and control. They are the dark Sith lords in government. Maybe that's not a good analogy--the evil Sith at least pretended to be working for the republic. Radical Democrats have ended the masquerade.
These Leftists lunatics have plagued Trump's presidency with an endless barrage of baseless accusations to at least delegitimize him if they can't impeach him.
The Russia Collusion Hoax
An unverified, fake dossier was solicited and paid for by Hillary Clinton that supposedly contained "evidence" of Trump colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 election. Governmental operatives abused their positions to push the fake dossier through a FISA court so they could obtain a warrant to spy on Donald Trump's campaign.
This was a clear abuse of power, and evidence contained in texts between disgraced FBI agent Peter Strozk and attorney Lisa Page suggest even Barak Obama was knowledgeable of the underhanded scheme. In a September 2, 2016 text, Page told Strozk, "POTUS wants to know everything we're doing." It makes sense. Obama may not have been a Clinton fan, but he knew she would protect his legacy.
Previously, on August 8, 2016, Page sought reassurance from Strozk that Trump wouldn't be elected:
"[Trump's] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!" Page asked.
Strzok responded, "No. No he's not. We'll stop it."
We'll stop it? Take that, voters! Your votes have been cancelled!
After 2 1/2 years of intense scrutiny, a special counsel comprised of Trump-haters and led by Bob Mueller begrudgingly determined there was no collusion and no obstruction by Trump or his campaign. If there had been, they would have found it, like a bunch of great whites honing in on blood from miles away.
Trump said the Russia hoax was a witch hunt from the very beginning, and he was vindicated.
More information continues to be released that implicates members of the swamp, like Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, James Comey, James Clapper, and other bottom dwellers, in what now is an obvious coup d'etat.
It's the biggest scandal in American political history, and it's never covered by the mainstream media, only Fox News.
The Democrats won't accept the ruling--no collusion, no obstruction--and still pretend evidence exists that implicates Trump's guilt despite these claims being debunked over and over and over. Why are these people still in office? How can people who prefer to perpetuate a fantasy with no basis in reality function in office? This would be diagnosed as mental illness in anyone else. What's next? Are they going to make outrageous claims, like Adam Schiff is the love child of a pencil-necked circus carnie and a turtle?
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Adam Schiff composed a parody of the Ukraine transcript to make it comply with the Leftist narrative. |
The New Ukraine Hoax
Radical Democrats have regrouped to lob another false accusation at Trump to see if this one will finally stick.A "whistleblower" claims Trump had a conversation with Ukraine's President Zelensky where Trump threatened to withhold military aid until Ukraine investigated Joe Biden.
Turns out, the whistleblower based the accusation on hearsay and second-hand information. Some pundits have suggested the whistleblower may even be a spy and a leaker.
Trump promised transparency and quickly released an unredacted transcript of his call to the Ukraine.
It's like wanting to divorce your spouse so you falsely accuse him of having an affair and demand to see his text messages. When your spouse quickly hands over the phone and you see you're the only female in the message and call history, you look like a fool.
The Democrats are a political spoof of the boy who cried wolf. Each new accusation they fire is more outlandish than the one before it. Even the staunchest of Democratic voters have to be scratching their heads and wondering what happened to their party. They are the Party of Make Believe.
The silver lining to the Ukraine hoax is the attention has pivoted to where it should be--on then Vice President Joe Biden's corrupt dealings with the Ukraine when he threatened to withhold a billion dollars from them until they agreed to fire the prosecutor investigating his son. Hunter Biden made $50,000 per month as the director of the board of the Ukraine's largest private gas producer--a position he suspiciously obtained with no prior experience in the field.
Even liberal Bill Maher, who prays for a recession to taint Trump, admits Rachel Maddow would have non-stop coverage if Don Jr. were in Hunter Biden's shoes.
Impeachment Without Cause
Impeach Trump over his tax returns! Impeach Trump for his locker room talk! Impeach Trump because he's racist! Impeach Trump because he likes fast food! Impeach Trump because he looks orange!
Unless the overuse of Twitter qualifies as treason, bribery, or high crimes and misdemeanors, Trump has committed no impeachable offense. To insist otherwise indicates something foul is afoot.
What have Democrats accomplished for the American people since 2016? Anyone? Anyone? "Get Trump" is their only platform, and our tax dollars are funding witch hunts that do nothing to make our lives better. Democrats are the party of division and obstruction--how bizarre they project that those attributes to a president who has accomplished more in three years than they have in their entire political careers.
The Chilling Reason Democrats Hate Trump
With the focus always on Trump, many Americans are missing the real reason Democrats are so filled with bile when it comes to our 45th president.
Trump is standing in the way of what Democrats want to do to YOU.
Obama seems like a conservative when pitted against the new crop of radicals running the Democratic Party. They are the party of socialism and communism. They grandstand on the environment to seize control of our very lives--how much meat we can consume, what jobs we are permitted to work, what healthcare we're allowed to have, what cars we can drive, the construction of our homes, the way we use energy. They don't care about keeping America clean or reducing our carbon footprint. If they did, the cities they run wouldn't be full of hypodermic needles, human waste, disease, and homelessness. They wouldn't fly all over the world in private jets. Democrats are no longer for the working man--they are for the elites and corporations they used to revile.
The Democrats can't beat Trump at the ballot box, so they continue to bludgeon him in the White House. They are the mad hatter party that produces zero results in their respective positions. To deflect attention from their own ineptitude, they malign and smear not only Trump, but all conservatives who get in their way. Look how they have treated Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Why is Kavanaugh a threat? Because he upholds the Constitution--an alarming reason to target someone in our highest court.
The Democrats are trying to pick off the headship, the leaders, so no one with authority can block their assault on our liberties. Ironically, they compare Trump to a mob boss as they assassinate the character of anyone who opposes their agenda.
Democrats despise Trump for shining the light on their corruption for all to see.
Democrats despise Trump for shining the light on their corruption for all to see.
Judge Jeanine Pirro's New Book Is Here!
If you loved Pirro's last book, Liars, Leakers, and Liberals, you will love her new one entitled, Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge: The Left's Plot to Remake America. It picks up where her last book left off and sounds the alarm for patriots to rise up and defeat the Left's subversive plan for our beloved country.
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