Hillary's Pain Leads to Weight Gain
Stick a pin in voodoo doll and the person the doll represents is supposed to feel the pain. Yet, every time Hillary Clinton needles President Trump, she's the only one feeling the prick.Clinton has never come to terms with her 2016 defeat, and judging from her expanding waistline, she's either finding comfort in food, drowning her sorrows in alcohol, or planning to be the first woman to give birth to a baby elephant.
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Hillary Clinton thumbing through her 33,000 "lost" e-mails in an art exhibit. Looking for something incriminating? |
The above photo shows Clinton paging through her lost e-mails in an Italian art exhibit. To be fair, since she is famous for stealing furniture, artwork, and China from the White House when Bill's term was over, maybe she's hiding something from the Italian gallery under her maternity top--the go-to choice in fashion for kleptomaniacs.
If it's extra weight she's cloaking, remember never to hire Dr. Mark Hyman from Idaho to help your family with diet control. Hyman is clearly a Republican operative posing as a health professional bent on destroying the image of radical Democrats.
Hillary Attacks Trump Over Ukraine
Despite the infamous corruption of the Clintons, Hillary recently railed against Trump over the latest Ukrainian witch hunt, calling him a "corrupt human tornado."
Clinton had the audacity to insist Trump used his position to "advance his personal and political interests," which she believes justifies opening an impeachment inquiry.
Her memory must be a little foggy. When impeachment proceedings were launched against her own husband and were ultimately fueled by partisan support, it backfired. Republicans were viewed unfavorably, and it cost them at election time. So, thanks, Hillary, for the plug to help Trump gain a second term.
Her memory must be a little foggy. When impeachment proceedings were launched against her own husband and were ultimately fueled by partisan support, it backfired. Republicans were viewed unfavorably, and it cost them at election time. So, thanks, Hillary, for the plug to help Trump gain a second term.
She's the expert when it comes to using position for personal gain. Let's take a quick trip down memory lane.
Hillary Clinton's Own Scandals
The Clintons have accumulated power and influence for decades, and the tentacles anchoring them in the Deep State sphere to create a self-serving enterprise is why many refer to them as The Clinton Machine.
Copious books have been written about the scandals surrounding this odd couple--scandals that would have put most people behind bars.
Crooked Hillary never receives the justice she demands for everyone else.
Just pick one of these books for shocking truths about the Clintons, and you'll quickly see a trail of corruption methodically plotted by this Bonnie and Clyde duo. No one with a conscience could vote for this woman for dog catcher, let alone president.
Hillary even wrote her own book, detailing the 666 reasons why she lost the election and why it has nothing to do with being an intensely unlikeable person, her unethical and shady dealings, or her adherence to Neo-Marxist ideology taught by her hero, Saul Alinsky. He's the guy with anti-American zingers like these:
- Control health care and you control the people
- True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within (someone should forward this to AOC)
Alinsky also boasted that Lucifer was the first recorded rebel to get his own kingdom.
- The organizers first job is to create the issues or problems, and organizations must be based on many issues. The organizer must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression. He must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them, for unless there is controversy people are not concerned enough to act. . . . An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent.
Most of us know following Satan's strategy is a bad thing.
You can't say Hillary's closet is full of skeletons because her crimes aren't hidden--they are simply ignored by a media that is complicit in the wicked underpinnings of the Deep State. Propagandists want the average American to be in the dark on issues that affect our basic freedoms.
While the Clintons have spent their entire careers on the marionette strings of evil, here are just a few of their most prominent schemes:
- Whitewater: This is the intricate and sketchy Clinton real estate investment deal that went bad.
- Travelgate: Bill fired seven people from the travel department to make room for his cronies.
- Bill's Affairs: Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, and Gennifer Flowers are just a few victims of this sexual predator. More recently, Bill claimed to visit Jeffrey Epstein's human trafficking island a few times when he had been there 26 times. What is he hiding?
- Filegate: The Clintons illegally obtained FBI files of their adversaries.
- Benghazi: Hillary didn't respond to requests for help from Libyan Ambassador, Chris Stevens, and he and three others died. Hillary lied about the real reasons for the attack.
- Uranium One: As Secretary of State, Hillary sold 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia in exchange for a $145 million donation to the Clinton Foundation.
- Clinton Foundation: Hillary used her office as Secretary of State to collect foreign donations to her foundation in pay-to-play schemes that levied her decisions and actions in ways that were a conflict of interest. The Clinton Foundation used philanthropy as a front for a complex money-laundering operation.
- Private e-mail server: Hillary "lost" 33,000 subpoenaed e-mails. smashed the SIM cards in cell phones with hammers, and bleach bit hard drives to cover her corrupt practices. She compromised our national security, and China is just one hostile actor we know of that hacked into the system to gather intelligence.
- Fake Russian dossier: Hillary's campaign, through a law firm, hired Fusion GPS to do "opposition research" that resulted in the fake Russian dossier she used to spark the collusion witch hunt against Donald Trump through FISA court abuse. She colluded with the Russians, the DNC, and the mainstream media to rig the 2016 election.
Hillary's Hypocrisy Is Laughable
When Hillary accuses Trump of using his position to "extort a foreign government for his political purposes" and classifies his actions as "high crimes and misdemeanors," you find yourself waiting for the punch line.
You expect Hillary to laugh and join in the conservative chant, "Lock her up!"
It's like Hitler calling someone a racist or Honey Boo Boo fat-shaming young girls.
If there's one thing we've learned for certain, it's the radical Left is the Party of Projection. They blame Republicans for the very crimes and unscrupulous methods they themselves employ on a daily basis.
We know the Clintons are felons who are exempt from punishment because they have helped mold a two-tiered justice system. They bubble wrap themselves in layers of protection so they never suffer directly for their misdeeds. They have scapegoats to take the hits.
The Left insists on manufacturing and investigating fairy tales while refusing to acknowledge the mountain of evidence pointing to real high crimes and misdemeanors. Will the tide ever turn?
We know the Clintons are felons who are exempt from punishment because they have helped mold a two-tiered justice system. They bubble wrap themselves in layers of protection so they never suffer directly for their misdeeds. They have scapegoats to take the hits.
The Left insists on manufacturing and investigating fairy tales while refusing to acknowledge the mountain of evidence pointing to real high crimes and misdemeanors. Will the tide ever turn?
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