The Manufactured Outrage of the Left
The leftists radicals, who are too consumed with worshiping their own self-made ideology to give two hoots about scripture, nearly suffered an aneurysm when President Trump signed Bibles in the aftermath of Alabama's most recent deadly tornado. Some called it blasphemous while others portended the signed Bibles would spontaneously combust.The Left's feigned outrage is typical. We have come to expect it. These radicals have long forgotten the blueprint for living outlined in scripture and have rendered its teaching as outdated and irrelevant as Obama's legacy or one of Hillary Clinton's pant suits.
Biblically Illiterate Democrats
The only time Democrats refer to the bible is when they channel Lucifer to quote a passage to attack conservatives. Just like Satan quoted scripture to Jesus while tempting him in the wilderness, the Democrats also cherry-pick scriptures out of context to manipulate public perception.
For example, when Hillary Clinton voiced her support for a border wall in 2006, she balked at the GOP for wanting to brand illegal immigrants as felons. She said, "It is certainly not in keeping with my understanding of the Scriptures. This bill would literally criminalize the good Samaritan--and probably even Jesus himself." The parable of the good Samaritan is about showing mercy to others and loving our neighbor as ourselves. However, to compare the Samaritan to an illegal immigrant is ludicrous. He wasn't criminally entering a country to drain its entitlements. He was only passing through, and he made a contribution, since he paid for the injured person's keep until he recovered. This was done voluntarily--he wasn't coerced by the government to share his wealth.
As for criminalizing Jesus, the governing authority did that, even though he was innocent. It had nothing to do with illegally crossing a border. He was condemned because he claimed to be the son of God. Maybe Clinton should have focused on a more appropriate passage concerning illegal immigrants, like Matthew 22:21, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar" or Romans 13:1-7 which talks about submitting to governing authorities because whoever rebels against authority is rebelling against God. The sovereignty of our nation depends on strict adherence to the law of the land.
The skittish cat or overly caffeinated presidential hopeful, Cory Booker, quoted a passage from Psalms when it came to appointing Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Booker claimed such an appointment would be "walking through the valley of the shadow of death" and anyone who supported Kavanaugh would be "complicit in evil."
When Press Secretary Sarah Sanders suggested leaving our planet in God's hands and dismissed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's dangerous and flawed environmental policies that would destroy America, AOC hit back with a tweet saying, "Genesis 1: God looked on the world and called it good not once, not twice, but seven times. Genesis 2: God commands all people to serve and protect creation. Leviticus: God mandates that not only the people, but the land that sustains them, shall be respected."
Funny that AOC mentioned Leviticus because Obama references the same book when he slammed the Bible in this speech before Congress:
At least Obama was clear about his hostility towards the Bible when it came to incorporating its precepts in guiding public policy. He also rebuked conservatives at a 2015 Prayer Breakfast when he stated Christians shouldn't get on a "high horse" regarding radical Islam, since the Crusades and the Inquisition saw people committing terrible acts in the name of Christ. Never mind the Crusades were a response to Islamic aggression in Europe and the Middle East. Obama also misinterpreted the Sermon on the Mount to excuse homosexuality, despite it being clearly condemned in Romans. Let's not forget Obama's jab in 2008 against those who "cling to guns or religion" to mitigate their frustration over unemployment and immigration. Obama also erroneously equates the old adage about "throwing stones in glasses houses" to a biblical proverb, even though it is found nowhere in scripture.
Like Obama, Nancy Pelosi also makes up her own scriptures, which might dupe those who have never set foot in a church. Her favorite "biblical passage" is this: "To minister to the needs of God's creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us." Book, chapter, and verse, Nancy?
When Elizabeth Warren addressed the DNC, she invoked Matthew 25 in her speech: "In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. The passage teaches about God in each of us, that we are bound to each other, and we are called to act--not to sit, not to wait--but to act, all of us together." Jesus was referring to his followers, not everyone in the world wanting an entitlement. There was no appeal to Caesar to establish welfare programs, and no one was forced to share their prosperity. Generosity was based on individual free will, not a sweeping, collective motion. Still, liberals misinterpret the Bible to make a flimsy case for legislated redistribution of wealth.
Maxine Waters, one of the most divisive representatives in Congress, claims she has been sent by God to combat President Trump and his base. She made this bold declaration from the pulpit at First AME Church in Los Angeles. "You've gotta know that I'm here to do the work that I was sent to do, and as pastor said to me when I came in the morning, 'When God sends you to do something, you just do it.' So I have. I'm going back to Washington tomorrow morning. I'm going to tell them pastor told me to come here and just do it." Waters is the same "leader" who calls on mobs to attack Trump supporters "in restaurants, in department stores, and in gas stations." Clearly, Waters is an extension of Satan's arm, not God's.
The Hypocrisy of the Left
When anyone from the GOP quotes scripture or bases political positioning on Biblical principles, the Democrats shout "separation of church and state!" However, when it comes to promoting socialism, illegal immigration, disastrous environmental policies, and wealth redistribution, Democrats cite scripture to support their agenda for big government and gross overreach.When it comes to sound biblical doctrine, the Left apparently is unaware you cannot accept excerpts from the Bible. It is all-or-nothing. You either acknowledge the entire Bible is God-inspired or you don't. Democrats murder the unborn, and now, horrifically, practice infanticide. They celebrate gay marriage. They laud promiscuity. All of these things are sin.
Democrats show disdain for our Constitution and overstep its perimeters at every turn, as in the case of the Supreme Court legislating gay marriage and the unconstitutional implementation of Obamacare, yet they quote the Constitution and pledge to uphold it when it aligns with their radical schemes, just as they leverage the Bible. At other times, these same Democrats attest the Constitution is outdated and needs scrapped, along with the Electoral College, when it gets in the way of their progressive, socialist purposes. James 1:8 would call this being double-minded and unstable in all their ways.
No, the Democrats aren't rooted in the Word of God. They are apostates. They are more like the Sons of Sceva who went around trying to operate in God's name like Paul was doing, but they didn't know God and were then attacked by the very demons they were trying to exorcise.
When Democrats feign shock at President Trump signing Bibles, they are grasping at straws. They resent his popularity among evangelicals--the voters who have their number, which is likely 666. Was Trump wrong to sign the Bibles? Obstetricians sign Bibles for infants. Past presidents have signed Bibles. Trump wasn't asking for this honor, nor was he purchasing Bibles to sign for distribution to the victims of the Alabama tornado. Evangelicals see Trump as a person fighting for their values. To them, his signature is symbolic of that fight for conservative principles. After the natural disaster in their community, Trump's presence boosted their spirits, and if it made them feel better to have him sign their Bibles, that's their prerogative and no one else's concern.
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