Victory is not winning
for our party—it’s winning for our country.

Trump shared his vision of a new standard of living that is safer, stronger,
richer, deeper in faith, and prosperous for the middle class. He is creating an environment where this
vision can be realized, but he also painted a realistic picture of the
Democratic opposition he faces in helping us ordinary folk live the American
Dream. In order for us to choose
greatness, he said we must reject revenge and retribution and choose a path:
- Greatness or gridlock
- Results or resistance
- Vision or vengeance
- Progress or pointless destruction
How's that for turning the Dems over his lap for a good whooping?
Trump’s Successes
Why did the
Democrats sit on their hands in disapproval of these accomplishments:
- 5.3 million new jobs have been created, including 600,000 new manufacturing jobs.
- 5 million people are off of food stamps.
- 58% of the newly created jobs have been taken by women, and there are more women in the workplace and serving in Congress than ever before.
- We boast the hottest economy in the entire world.
- Unemployment is the lowest it’s been in over half a century.
- African, Asian, and Hispanic unemployment is at the lowest in recorded history.
- 157 million people are at work.
- The child tax credit doubled, putting more money in our wallets.
- He ended the death tax.
- He removed the Obamacare individual mandate penalty.
- He passed the “Right to Try,” allowing terminal patients to try new medications.
- More businesses returned to our country due to the slash in taxes and regulations.
- America is number one in oil and natural gas production and a net exporter of energy for the first time in 65 years.
- The military is now the most powerful on earth.
- After more than 40 years, there is finally VA accountability.
So, why did
most of the Democrats look like they were eating lemons in unison? For one, Trump blew their cover. Since the mainstream media never touts his
accomplishments at the behest of radical Leftists, Americans watching the
address heard this good news for probably the first time, even though Fox News
has been covering his enormous successes for the past two years.
Since the
Democrats have no useful or proactive agenda to make the lives of ordinary
people like us better, their only common ground is hating Trump. The man produces extraordinary results. They produce nothing, unless you consider
strife, division, and dismantling of our nation a net increase.
What did
Trump say is the only thing that can stop America’s exponential growth?
Foolish wars, politics,
and ridiculous partisan investigations.
Boom! We all know who the elephant in the room is,
and it’s not the Republicans.
Trump Finds Common Ground
There is
little that unites either party anymore, since it would be easier to nail Jello
to a tree than find a moderate Democrat.
Nonetheless, Trump extended an olive branch by demonstrating how much
more can achieved through unity.
Trump mentioned
the bipartisan criminal justice reform through “First Step”—a program that
allows first time offenders to re-enter society as productive citizens. “We believe in redemption,” Trump
The Dems
also seem on board with rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, defeating AIDS,
and fighting childhood cancer. Even
though the Dems want to take more than 70% of our incomes to fund policies like
the “New Green Deal” that are not only technologically and financially
impossible but defy facts, logic, and reason, they did manage to applaud lowering
the cost of drugs and healthcare. Ironic,
considering they are the ones responsible for exploding insurance premiums and
deductibles through the Obamacare plan they passed without reading.
That’s about
it. To the Democrats, Trump is like a
bran muffin—a healthy dose of his agenda results in a crap fit.
The Border Wall Crisis
The hate was
tangible when Trump addressed the urgent crisis at our southern border. The Democrats take issue with Trump wanting
to put an end to human and drug trafficking because we all know how great those
two things are. Even though Trump
acknowledged how legal immigrants enrich our nation and strengthen our society
in countless ways, the Dems also resented him labeling the caravans overtaking
our border as an “onslaught” that we have a moral duty to stop in order to
protect the lives and jobs of our citizens.
Trump aptly
stated, “The tolerance for illegal immigration isn’t tolerant—it’s cruel,” but
maybe the Dems can’t see the women being raped, the kids used as human pawns,
or the MS-13 killers crossing because the walls of THEIR estates are much too
tall and wide for them to get a good look.
Here are the
facts about recent illegal immigrants:
- 266,000 criminal arrests of illegal aliens have been made in the last two years.
- 100,000 of illegals have committed assault.
- 30,000 illegals have committed sex crimes.
- 4,000 illegals have committed murder
Trump has
proven he would meet in the middle on immigration reform. He promised to address the humanitarian
crisis, have more drug detection at our ports of entry, and accept steel slats
instead of a concrete barrier, which will only be erected in areas of greatest
need as detected by border patrol agents.
The Dems just
don’t like to admit that walls work and save lives.
Trump Addresses International Issues
being accused of provoking China, Trump proves playing hard ball with the
international community works in our best interests. His new trade deal with China will reduce the
trade deficit and protect American jobs, and China’s rear will get kicked if
they even think about stealing our intellectual property.
from NAFTA saved us enough money to buy Nancy Pelosi new dentures so she doesn’t
continue embarrassing herself on national TV by pushing her tongue around her
mouth the whole time to hold in the old ones.
allies are now paying their fair share—we nailed them for $110 billion in
increased defense spending.
“Rocket Man”
Kim Jong Un hasn’t launched a missile in 15 months, and judging from Chuck
Schumer’s pained face, he hasn’t launched anything recently either.
withdrew us from the Iran Deal and levied tough sanctions against them for
threatening genocide of the Jewish people.
The Dems hate this too and probably join the Iranians in chanting “Death
to America” when no one is looking.
Also in the
Middle East, ISIS has been defeated, and the 20,000 square miles that had been
under their control is now recovered.
We will
reduce our troops in Afghanistan and focus on counter-terrorism after more than
two decades of war.
recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
This also torks off the Dems, so you know it’s a good thing. God blesses the nations that bless Israel—they
are His chosen people.
Trump Confronts Socialists
beautifully stuck it to all the would-be socialists trying to woo the next
generation away from capitalism. His segue
was confirming his stand with the Venezuelan people against the socialist
dictatorship that catapulted them from one of the wealthiest countries to a
state of object poverty and despair.
testified that America was founded on liberty and independence—not coercion,
domination, and control. Trump reminded
us that we were born free and would stay free.
For the Democrats and radicals who couldn’t take the hint, he made it
clear to them with this blunt pledge:
America will NEVER be a socialist country.
If we took a
poll to see whose facial expression was better—Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s
petulant and defiant teenager-who-just-had-her-cell-phone-taken-away or Bernie
Sanders’ enraged-old-man-from-the-Muppet-balcony—who do you think would
win? Personally, I would pay money to
see Bernie’s.
Pro-Life Message
While many
politicians avoid the pro-life or pro-choice conversation or talk about it in a
convoluted way so you never can pin down their position, Trump tackled it
head-on in his iconic Trump style. He
called out New York and Virginia governors for their appalling late-term
abortion legislation and vowed to fight against it, reminding listeners that babies
feel pain in the womb. Trump promised to
“build a culture that cherishes innocent life” by reaffirming children are made
“in the holy image of God.”
Boy, did
that ever tick off all the women in white.
You could see their jaws and fists clench. Despite their pristine attire, these devil women
were not the angelic choir but frosty minions who have no value for human life. In Taylor Swift's words, "The haters are gonna hate, hate, hate." When it comes to the Left's vitriol, the President knows how to "shake it off."
Inspirational Guests
integration of guests into his presentation was very effective. We saw a woman granted new life through
prison reform, a law enforcement office who was shot 7 times trying to protect
and serve, a holocaust survivor and one of the military men who came to save
him from the Germans, a 10-year-old cancer survivor, Angel families, and
more. Then there was Buzz Aldrin—seriously,
how cool was that?
Trump’s Wrap-Up
attempted a unifying theme, but it’s hard to find a place of agreement with the
enemies of our Constitution and American way of life. Trump proclaimed, however, that we can be “defined
by differences or dare transcend them.”
Trump always
ends his speeches with “God bless you, and God bless America!” I don’t know about you, but I would rather
receive Trump’s blessing than any one of the umpteen curses leveled by
State of the Union Address was interrupted by applause 102 times, and it’s no
wonder. He is not one to make empty
promises. He is a man that crafts a plan
and makes it happen. He is a doer, not a
dreamer or double-talker.
Despite the
continuous opposition and obstruction of a radical regime set on revolt, i.e. legislators
who are still “identifying” as Democrats, we can keep winning because Trump has
discovered the true secret to our American success—it is the recognition,
affirmation, and subjection of being “one nation under God.”
Because we
are a country founded under God, we can, as Trump stirringly encouraged, “do
the incredible and defy the impossible” by choosing greatness—which is really
the path to life instead of death for a nation.
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