2020 Democratic Presidential Candidates: The Race of the Phonies

Trump Isn't a Phony

If there's one thing the 2016 election proved, it's the majority of Americans hate phonies.  No one calls a spade a spade more easily than President Trump.  He doesn't hide behind political doublespeak or promise one thing and then deliver another.  He is bold, direct, and painfully honest.  He keeps his word, and his supporters love it.

Too many politicians aren't authentic.  Their tweets and public behavior are geared toward the best photo op rather than an honest reflection of their character and agenda.

Image Courtesy of Sailom at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

When President Trump spoke at a rally in El Paso, Texas, he admitted he didn't have time for a dog and couldn't imagine walking one on the White House lawn.  "I don't know.  I don't feel good.  Feels a little phony to me," he said.  A presidential dog is a long-standing tradition, making the lack of one somewhat a political liability.  Dog-loving Trump supporters understand he is too invested in making Americans first, strong, and great, so they are giving him a pass on the pet thing.  "That's not the relationship I have with my people," Trump state, meaning we love him because he doesn't pretend to be someone he's not.

Not a fan of dogs anyway, I appreciate Trump's dismissal of a pet because it just cements how grounded he really is.  Too many people in our culture humanize animals to an alarming degree.  These days, more legalized heinous acts can be leveled on infants than on pets.

When it comes to the pool of radical socialists parading as Democrats who are vying for our nation's highest office, there is no shortage of phony antics.

Phony Kamala Harris

Bill Clinton shocked the world in 1992 when he admitted to trying marijuana in the 1960's.  It's okay though because he "didn't inhale."  Right.  Just like he "did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" even though we all know he did, and it led to his impeachment for being a liar, liar, pants on fire.

The American people hold the leader of the free world to a higher standard.  That's why when Bill Clinton played his saxophone in 1992 on the Arsenio Hall Show, many didn't like to see him acting "common."  Just like parents can't be friends with their kids until they reach adulthood (if then), authority figures must preserve boundaries to retain respect and honor for their positions.

On the Breakfast Club radio show in New York, Harris proudly admitted she smoked pot in college, saying, "And I inhaled.  I did inhale."  Her take on weed?  "Listen, I think it gives a lot of people joy, and we need more joy in this world."  Never mind the effects marijuana has on the brain or the spike in fatal car accidents due to driving under its influence.  Why is Harris bellowing her support for marijuana?  First, she wants to look cool to capture support from millenials.  Second, she is trying overcompensate for her time as prosecutor when she was responsible for prosecuting low level drug possession.  If upholding the law as a prosecutor has become her albatross, how can she be trusted to uphold our constitutional freedoms as president?  Harris can't be wishy-washy about legal absolutes when she's too concerned with how enforcing them will affect her image.

Kamala Harris has the world's most annoying laugh, which she relies on to cover her lies.

Harris' biggest gaffe is pretending to listen to Toupac and Snoop Dog while smoking pot in college, even though neither artist had released recordings until after she had graduated.  This is an embarrassingly obvious pandering for black votes.  Since her mother was Indian and her father is Jamaican, Harris wonders if she's black enough for black voters.  Harris affirms, "I am black, and I'm proud of being black.  I was born black.  I will die black."  The Left calls Trump a racist, but imagine if he had touted on the campaign trail, "I am white, and I'm proud of being white.  I was born white.  I will die white."  This is a trick only people of color can pull off.

In another desperate attempt to woo black voters, Harris supports offering reparations to black Americans affected by slavery.  This is not a joke.  Slavery ended in this country in 1865.  Unless you are royalty or genealogy is your hobby, you most likely don't know your relatives from 1865.  You don't know if they were rich or poor, good or bad, boring or witty, smart or dipsticks.  One thing you do know--whoever they were doesn't define who you are.  If your ancestors suffered, society doesn't owe you something.  If someone in your bloodline dealt with injustice 154 years ago, you can't pin your modern woes on past history.  You are in charge of your future. Just being born in America provided you with the freedom and resources you need to pave your own path to success. No other nation offers as many entitlements to the under served, and no nation is as generous as America when it comes to helping the poor.  Under President Trump's leadership, African American unemployment is at the lowest ever recorded in history!

People like Harris and Obama undermine black voters by relegating them to victim hood and demanding they fall in step with stereotypes.  This type of race-baiting is very divisive.  Harris doesn't expound on an exact plan to offer reparations to blacks.  She doesn't divulge if DNA testing would be required to prove whether or not applicants descended from slaves, how the money would be apportioned, or where the money would even come from--but she doesn't need to since it's just a scam to win black support.

Harris also throws her support behind the radical Green New Deal, stating, "Climate change is an existential threat to us, and we have got to deal with the reality of it."  Translation:  Chicken Little says the sky is falling.  Like all socialists, Harris is capitalizing on the technique of creating urgency over an issue, like the environment, to scare us normal people into forsaking our freedom so the government can protect us from the boogeyman or the monster under our beds.  Harris aligns herself with her dumb and dumber cohort, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who heatedly responds to the backlash of criticism on the Green New Deal this way:  "Yup.  If you don't like the Green New Deal, then come up with your own ambitious, on-scale proposal to address the global climate crisis.  Until then, we're in charge-and you're just shouting from the cheap seats." This is the whole aim of the left--take charge, dominate, and silence everyone else.  This is not democracy.

Even when Iran was threatening to nuke us, along with Kim Jong Un, and when Isis was beheading or slaughtering Americans with weekly regularity, Obama, like Harris, insisted climate change was the biggest threat to national security.  These "leaders" are scientific proof of the adverse effects marijuana has on the brain.

Let's also not forget Harris' comparison of ICE agents to the KKK, insisting ICE is a "domestic terrorist group" that uses "fear and intimidation" to target "immigrants coming from Mexico and Central America" based on their race and ethnicity.  There is so much wrong with that statement, it's hard to know where to begin.  As yet, no one has reported ICE for killing Mexicans for fun or unhinged religious ideology.  ICE is also not stopping immigrants from coming into this country legally.  Instead, they are putting their lives on the line every day to defend the assault on our sovereignty by those who would storm our borders and drain our entitlements, creating a burden on all of us.  ICE is on the front lines fighting the flow of opiates into our communities.  They are apprehending deported felons who are trying to sneak back in to victimize more of our citizens. 

Kamala Harris was born to immigrant, activist parents, so it's no wonder their impact has clouded her appreciation for American values.  Harris' mother was the daughter of an Indian diplomat and a women's rights activist who attended Berkeley to become a breast cancer researcher.  Her father was a far left economics professor at Stanford, introducing Marxist theories that were counter-cultural.  He focused particularly on black income inequality.  Both parents involved Kamala in the civil rights movement at a young age.  This railing against American values helped shape her into the anti-American radical she is today.

Harris is just another Democratic candidate who campaigns on victim hood instead of greatness.  This is one reason why so many embrace Trump.  He is a successful billionaire who creates a climate where we can all prosper and live the American Dream.  He doesn't try to make us feel bad about where we come from or bemoan the hand life dealt us--he helps us aspire to our highest potential because leaders bring people up, not tear them down or help them wallow in their imagined "inequality."  We all have a fair shot--the left lies.

Phony Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren wants middle America's vote, since we showed unwavering support for Trump and his preservation of our conservative values.  Warren hasn't called us "deplorables" like Hillary Clinton or claimed to smell our Trump support in Walmart like disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok did, but she assumes we are nothing but a bunch of redneck beer drinkers.  Here's the embarrassing clip she created to pretend she's one of us:

I think we can all agree this is nothing but a sham.

Warren will most be remembered for her debunked claim to be Native American.  She will forever be branded "Pocahontas"--the name ascribed to her by President Trump, poking fun of her false assertion.  A DNA test laid to rest this phony charade.  Why did Warren wait until her 30's to fake minority status?  Some evidence suggests it could have been to score a job.  Harvard may have hired her based on her minority classification.  One thing we know for sure, Warren is a phony who spins and exploits falsehoods for her own gain.  Maybe being a woman isn't enough to catapult her within the Democratic Party, especially since she's so white.

Warren has also done an about-face on her parenting stance.  In 2003, she published a book called The Two-Income Trap:  Why Middle Class Parents Are Going Broke.  The thesis of this book cites the return of women to the work force has disastrous consequences for the family, particularly that it takes a mother away from her children.  In 2019, however, Warren is proposing a "free childcare for all" which would cost over $2 trillion per decade, to encourage women to participate in the workforce.  Warren assumes having your children raised by strangers rather than you or another relative is best for families, which is a 180 degree shift from her previous position.

Like her counterparts, Warren's socialist views vilify the rich, while she herself is wealthy.  She is ranked the 76th wealthiest out of the 541 members of Congress, and her net worth of $8.75 million places her in the top one percent--the same group she alleges are the source of all societal ills.

Phony Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders honeymooned in the former Soviet Union, he supported Fidel Castro, and he praised bread lines.  Bread lines!  Yes, having to wait in line to get food instead of going to the grocery any time you need something is the goal of Bernie Sanders.  His biggest blunder, however is his unwavering support for socialism in Venezuela.  In 2011, Sanders said, "These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela, and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal." Venezuela is now under dictatorship and experiencing economic collapse.  Grocery shelves are barren, medical facilities are without medicines, there is no gas, families are rifling through trash cans to find food, and zoo animals and pets are being eaten. Millions have already left, but millions remain, struggling to survive. The United States sent trucks to offer humanitarian aid to the people, but dictator Nicolas Maduro would not let the supplies through, setting them ablaze and taunting Trump with, "Yankee, go home!"

Currently, no one can pin Bernie Sanders down for comment on his Venezuelan model of socialism.

Oddly enough, Sanders is only concerned about YOUR carbon footprint and redistributing the wealth YOU generate.  The socialist rules don't apply to him.  In fact, in one month alone, Sanders' election campaign spent $300,000 on private jet use.  Doesn't sound like he's too concerned about his use of fossil fuels and their impact on climate change.  Sanders does not practice what he preaches and is quite disingenuous.  Though Sanders rails against the top one percentage of American wage earners, he has enjoyed the fruits of capitalism by just purchasing a $600,000 summer home by Lake Champlain in Vermont.  He already owns two other houses in Burlington, VT and Capitol Hill in D.C.  What Sanders always fails to mention in his attack on the rich is that America's top 10 percent of wage earners pay 68% of federal income taxes while the bottom 50 percent of wage earners only pay 3%, based on 2011 data from the Internal Revenue Service.  The rich not only pay a disproportionate amount of taxes, they are also a huge source for employment opportunities, and their businesses support our booming economy.

Sanders' wife, Jane, brought shame to the family name when she landed in hot water with the FBI for bankrupting Burlington college in a shady deal to buy 33 acres for the college with $10 million in assets the college did not have.  This attempt to defraud a bank to secure a loan is a crime, but because political clout creates two standards of justice--one for them and one for the rest of us--the FBI decided against pressing charges, and Jane left with a $200,000 severance package. 

Phony Cory Booker

An attempt to be "Spartacus" backfired on phony Cory Booker when he bragged about violating Senate rules by releasing e-mails related to Supreme Court nominee, Brett Cavanaugh.  Turns out, the e-mails had been approved for release the day before, so there goes the rule-breaking, bad boy image he was trying to create.  His failed attempt at rebellion just proves Democrats, like Hillary Clinton, aren't capable of following simple rules that are in place for a reason.

When asked about a running mate, Booker spluttered that he'd be "looking to women first."  Naturally.  The left is obsessed with the appearance of diversity.  The last place we need racist affirmative action is in the two highest seats in our land--we need the people most qualified to lead, regardless of their gender or ethnic background.

Raise your left index finger of you are an anti-American nut sack.  

Booker also supports the Green New Deal, which is the Communist Manifesto repackaged.  In fact, he compares the Green New Deal to fighting the Nazis.  Would someone please give these politicians a crash course in actual history!  The nonsensical story lines they concoct sound like a depressing game of MadLibs.  "When the planet has been in peril in the past, who came forward to save the earth from the scourge of Nazi and totalitarian regimes?" Booker asked.  Like his contenders, his apocalyptic worldview is a hoax to bait voters.

Phony Eric Swalwell

Swalwell needs to legally change his name or at least come up with a pseudonym before he goes a step further in his campaign.  Trying to pronounce his name nearly dislocates your jaw.  Every cow chewing its cud looks like it's trying to say "Swalwell."

Our first president, George Washington, was the epitome of bravery.  He led the war against the most powerful army in the world during that era.  He was fearless and always at the front of combat.  His contemporaries were amazed he was never wounded , which was attributed to divine intervention.  That is real courage.

Then there's Swalwell.  To get his red badge of courage, he tweeted this:  "It's snowing in New York.  I need coffee.  The closest cafe is inside Trump Tower.  This is me walking to an alternative.

Swalwell will be remembered for two things:  screwing a Chinese spy and farting loudly on national television.

When I'm craving a delicious latte, I visit Starbucks even though I don't approve of their progressive policies.  If you boycotted every business due to policies that don't align with your principles, you would literally have nowhere to go.  Ever.  As a side note, former Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz, said he's considering running for president as an independent.  Even though he is not centrist, as he claims, his ideals match that of the radical left.  Rather than celebrate a fellow loon's participation in their cult-like ideology, the Democrats went insane with rage.  How dare he run independently and not tow the line demanded by the tyrannical elite! 

I guess if Swalwell had to meet with a Kim Jung Un to get the Korean Peninsula denuclearized, he could use this tough move.  Hey, did you see me walk past that coffee shop?  I can do it again.  If that ninja move doesn't decrease missile production, I don't know what could.

What 2020 Democratic Hopefuls Have in Common

No matter how many candidates end up running for president in 2020, they all share the same radical, divisive, dangerous, and anti-American platform.  While they try to hide their hunger and thirst for power at our expense behind fancy euphemisms like "social justice," "climate change," and "reproductive rights," we have their number.  We are smarter than they think.  We understand that free college, free childcare, and free healthcare aren't free.  We know eliminating fossil fuels and bankrupting our country won't create more jobs.  We understand they only pretend to represent the working class while they tax us into poverty to redistribute our gains for the "economic equality" of those who are "unwilling" to work.  We notice how they pretend to care for immigrants while they have no qualms about killing babies, even after birth.  We don't like politicians who bash and apologize for our country's exceptionalism and make us look weak to our enemies and allow us to be taken advantage of by our allies.  We don't respect politicians who can't rationally debate issues based on fact, logic, and reason without shutting down opposition by accusing them of racism, sexism, homophobia, or whatever label ends discourse through feigned victimization.

What's next to track all of the freebies from the Left anyway--should we all get a number stamped on our forehead or hand so we are easier to process? 

President Donald Trump is leading America in the right direction, and we are all prospering as a result.  He "trumps" his competition in policy, job creation, protection, and adherence to constitutional, core American values.  He has already made America great again, but we need her to stay great and not collapse in ruin under the radical, socialist leadership of a crazy leftist regime.  Trump has 2020 vision, both for the presidency and keeping America on course.  Don't be fooled by the phony promises of Democrats who lie for the greater good to con a vote.  Their vision for this country is bleak, and they make promises they have no intention to keep.  They don't have your back, but Trump does.

